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The leadership in the Pack is divided between two Wolves- the King and the Queen. The King is usually the Breeding Male of the Pack and is typically just seen as a figurehead whereas the Queen handles all the day to day duties of the Pack. She sets the laws, sends the hunters, scouts and other ranks as well as patrols the entire territory and, sometimes, even the surrounding and far away territories. The King and Queen are not, however, judge, jury and executioner. They cannot just decide to exile a Wolf based on something as simple as not liking the Wolf. In order for things to be fair, they must consult The Council when it comes to action regarding broken laws and such.

The Council

The Council is made up of eight Wolves from the Pack. They help advise the King and Queen. They also help make things fair when it comes to the punishment of Pack members. For the most part, the Council stays in the camp. Council members are allowed to take a mate and have a family, but not all of them choose to do so.


The Lieutenant is the King's second in command. They help the King run the Pack when the Queen is away exploring and doing her duties. The Lieutenant can be male or female and are allowed to take a mate and have a family. Many of the duties of the Lieutenant are looking after the Pack- making sure everyone eats, that they're all happy, etc. They also make sure that, if the Queen would be away longer than a day, that the hunting teams and scouts go out without any problems.


The Herbalist is the Wolf who heals the Pack. They learn from Herbert, the wandering Bear of Healing, on how to heal, craft and learn medicinal recipes and techniques. Since ancient times, the Herbalist of the Pack has always been male. There has never been a female Herbalist. Herbalists are allowed to have mates and pups, but they rarely do. Every full moon, the Herbalist goes down to the Ice Rune near the Camp to visit and talk with The Gods. The Herbalist follows their own code, as well as the Pack code. The main law from their code is to always heal, regardless of age or Pack affiliation.

Wisdom Keepers

Wisdom Keepers are members of the Pack who are usually over the age of 7. Pack members are required to become a Wisdom Keeper at the age of 7. However, sometimes, a Wolf may join the Wisdom Keepers before this age point if they are seriously injured or otherwise rendered incapacitated (for example, by an unknown, long lasting sickness). Wolves with this rank are given the utmost respect and importance within the Pack.


Scouts are one of the most important lifelines within the Pack. There are only ever two Scouts allowed at a time within the Pack, which can make scouting new territories difficult at times. Scouts are trained in the ways of fighting in case they would need to defend themselves while out scouting. They also know how to take care of minor injuries such as thorns in pads, scratches and shallow cuts. Scouts are permitted to take mates and, most of the time, they do.


There are, usually, around 15 hunters within the Pack. Each hunting team has 5 Pack members, so, respectively, there are usually three hunting teams at a time. The teams usually rotate throughout the day so that every team has time to rest and get treated for any injuries they may have. The Queen tries to make it so that the hunting teams are well balanced but it doesn't always work and sometimes the Team just has to learn how to work together, even if they don't like each other.


Pups become apprentices when they age into adolescents which is at the age of 6 months. They are usually given a mentor within the rank they are training for and normally do not finish their apprenticeship until they become adults. All apprentices, regardless of what they're training to be, learn at least a few offense and defense fighting moves so that they can protect themselves. If they are training as a Guard or Scout, they might learn more fighting techniques than they would hunting ones. All apprentices learn how to care for minor injuries and wounds.


Pupsitters are tasked with helping the Mothers take care of the Pups. Depending on the pup, it might be the only one the Pupsitter is tasked with taking care of. A Pupsitter almost never has more than 2-3 Pups in their care at one time. Pupsitters make sure that the Pups are well fed, if weaned, and that they're happy.


Guards are just one of the lifelines of the Pack. There are only ever four guards in the Pack at a time. The Guards take turns guarding the Pack with there always being two Guards on duty at a time. Guards are skilled in fighting, both in defense and offense. They are not afraid to attack first and then ask questions- they tend to use the "better safe than sorry" mentality when it comes to the safety of the Pack.


Pups are the most important thing in the Pack. They are raised by all the Mothers as well as whatever Pupsitter may be assigned to them. Pups are taught from a young age about the Pack code, each rank and its duties and stories from the old days such as how the Pack came to live in the Glacier region. Pups are encouraged to learn and explore within the Camp and caves. However, they are not permitted to leave the Camp clearing without an adult and doing so can result in severe punishment.

Gender Roles

Apart from the leadership roles, which are King and queen respectively, there is only one other role within the Pack that is gender specific. This role is the Herbalist role. It was decided long before Amira took over, and even long before her grandfather was leader, that the Herbalist is only allowed to be male. This is due to the fact that female Wolves, regardless of their rank, are allowed to have pups. It was decided that if a female Wolf was the Herbalist and decided to have pups, it would be very difficult for her to continue with her foraging and healing duties while living in the Nursery.


Mothers are the most important lifeline of the Pack. They bring new life into the Pack by having pups, even if the Pups don't end up staying with the Pack. All of the Mothers of the Pack split up the duty of watching and taking care of the Pups, with the help of the Pupsitters. Mothers and their pups are usually one of the first members of the Pack to eat.


The Storyteller is a member of the Pack who is tasked with keeping the stories and legends of the Pack alive. They are tasked with teaching the Pups and Apprentices the stories as well. The Storyteller, unlike other ranks in the Pack, keeps their rank until they die- they are never asked to retire to the Wisdom Keepers den.

Designated Survivor

The Designated Survivor is randomly selected from the Pack members by the King and Queen. The member of the Pack that is selected does not even know that they have been chosen until they are told so. The Designated Survivor is put in place in case something would happen and the King, Queen, Herbalist and the Council were to all die. In this case, the DS would take over as leader and become either the King or Queen. If the DS would become King, then they would have to choose a Queen to lead the Pack while he would be the figurehead. If the DS would become Queen, then they would have to choose the next King as well as the Council. **

** Designated Survivor is not a real Wolvden role. It is based on the Designated Survivor role that the USA has in place for the President and other important roles. It is used in the Pack lore simply for that- LORE.

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